Orange Whisky Marmalade


7 cups

Orange Whisky Marmalade Ingredients

  • Begin this recipe the day before.
  • 1kg Seville oranges*
  • 2 lemons
  • 500g sugar for every 2 cups (500ml) fruit pulp
  • 30ml whisky, or to taste

Orange Whisky Marmalade Cooking Instructions

  1. Halve and juice fruit. Remove pips, place in a muslin bag and tie with string. Cut fruit into quarters, then place skin-side down on a work surface. Use a knife to remove remaining flesh and white pith from the rind, then discard. Thinly slice rind and place in a large ceramic or stainless-steel bowl with the juice, pips in their muslin bag, and 1.7 litres of water. Cover and refrigerate overnight.
  2. Place everything, including the muslin bag, in a saucepan. Bring to the boil and simmer over low heat for 1 1/2-2 hours or until the rind is soft. Remove muslin bag, cool slightly and, using tongs, squeeze out well over the saucepan to extract pectin. Measure fruit pulp and add correct amount of sugar (see ingredients, above). Add whisky, then return to the boil. Simmer for a further 35-40 minutes or until starting to set.
  3. Place a few saucers in freezer. To test for setting stage, place 1 tablespoon of marmalade on a cold saucer and chill in the freezer for 1-2 minutes. Gently push through middle of the marmalade with your finger - it should stay in 2 halves.
  4. Seal marmalade in hot sterilised jars.


  • * In season during July and August.

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